Why Wellness?
People often think about wellness in terms of their physical health. Good nutrition, exercise, etc. But it is so much more. Our approach is based around the Wellness Wheel, which encompass the eight mutually interdependent dimensions that are necessary to have a balanced and happy life: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational, financial, and environmental.
Wellness is a holistic integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, fueling the body, engaging the mind, and nurturing the spirit. To experience optimal health, all eight areas of your well-being must be healthy and tended to. Attention must be given to all the dimensions, as neglect of any one over time will adversely affect the others, and ultimately one’s health, well-being, and quality of life.
Our goal at JeKa Wellness Center is to help you experience first-rate, hands on, holistic health & wellness therapies all in one location. Each individual’s path to wellness will be a bit different. Through our services, we look forward to helping you create a lifestyle and a personalized approach to living life in a way that allows you to reach your fullest potential.