This is a question that so many of us have struggled with in many different areas of life but particularly when it comes to fitness and nutrition (myself included). Let’s face it most of us know the basics of health and nutrition. But if we know what to do why is there still an obesity problem in our country? And for those who don’t know what to do there’s really no shortage in information out there.
Well that’s one of the first reasons you may need one on one coaching. All of that contradicting information can be quite confusing. And while some of the resources available are well meaning, some can just be downright harmful.
Here are some things to consider when deciding if one one one coaching is right for you:
Have you been following a template/general program that’s designed for “the masses” for an extended period of time that may or may not have worked at first but now you’ve stalled?
Has your weight loss journey taken over your life, do you feel like food controls you and what you can and can’t do?
Are you trying to transform your body but struggling to find the balance between losing fat & building muscle?
Do you need accountability?
Are you just getting started and need some guidance?
And the most important question of all: Do you want to find a nutrition plan that provides flexibility and the freedom to live your life while still achieving your goals?
If any of these questions resonate with you I encourage you to message me to discuss if an individualized coaching program is right for you.
My last question…is the up front investment in time and money worth it if it changes your life and how you think about food and fitness forever?
I look forward to hearing from you!